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標題: [影音介紹] Blossom [打印本頁]

作者: mensch    時間: 2011-9-26 00:51     標題: Blossom

Blossom    James Taylor

Blossom, smile some sunshine down my way
Lately, I've been lonesome
Blossom, it's been much too long a day
Seems my dreams have frozen
Melt my cares away
Send the sunshine down my way whenever you call my name
I know what you mean to say to me, girl, it's all the same
Blossom, there's any empty road behind
Sit you down beside me
Blossom, there's a sweet dream on my mind

There's a song inside me
Take these chains away
Now, send the sunshine down my way whenever you call my name
I know what you mean to say to me, girl, it's all the same
Blossom, smile some sunshine down my way
Lately, I've been lonesome
Blossom, it's been much too long a day
Seems my dreams have frozen
Melt my cares away



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